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En 2017, Alex, mon neveu, s’est mis en danger jusqu’à l’accident qui a brisé son corps entre la vie et la mort. Depuis ses rives de force et de vulnérabilité, il a traversé sa vie comme on traverse la rue et le torrent qui vous emportent.

Dans les flots de l’inconscience, il a redécouvert son âme épurée du mal-être de l’adolescent enivré de folies. Il y a trouvé un passage vers une sagesse adulte, désaltérée de livres et d’amour.

Je lui ai demandé de s’immerger dans le torrent qui traverse la terre de notre lignée, cette terre au creux de laquelle nos aïeux reposent, sur laquelle les vivants se rassemblent. Je l’ai invité à faire mémoire de son passé, de son passage parmi nous.

In 2017, Alex, my nephew, put himself in danger until the accident that shattered his body between life and death. From the shores of his strength and vulnerability, he crossed his life as you cross the street and the torrent that sweeps you away.

In the waves of unconsciousness, he rediscovered his soul, purified of the malaise of the adolescent intoxicated by madness. He found a passageway to adult wisdom, quenched by books and love.

I asked him to immerse himself in the torrent that flows through the land of our lineage, the soil in which our forebears rest and on which the living gather. I invited him to remember his past, his time with us.

Liamone, Corse, France © Orphos, 2019